More followers at TikTok
Want to get more followers at TikTok?
TikTok is revolutionizing the world of social networks more and more, thousands of users on different platforms have decided to join it to innovate their content and test if they are capable enough to move their community on Instagram and Facebook or other social networks to TikTok.
Ways to get more followers at TikTok
1) Define your niche
If you realize that each TikTok profile has something in particular and that’s the essence, but what they all share and have in common, is that sense of humor and creativity that they have to transform an everyday event into content that makes an impact.
I recommend asking yourself these two questions so you can discover how you want to impact your audience: What do I like? And who do I want to reach?
2) Choose a good username
I confess that every time I notice that a profile has these symbols (“@:_1516%8.) in its username, whatever the social network is, it makes me close my eyes and disappear for a moment.
People will think it’s attractive, but no, it really isn’t and I’ll explain why it’s not attractive and won’t benefit you either.
You should choose a username that is hard to remember so that your followers can easily share your content.
Don’t add symbols or numbers because you make your brand name disappear
Opt for a username with catchy words (No separations or numbers)
Here I show you the difference
3) Help yourself create content with #ForYouPage
For You Page is the section of TikTok that opens as the main space when you open your application.
The For You Page space will show you an unlimited amount of content ideas for TikTok based on its algorithm, so those ideas it will share with you will be under the criteria of whether it’s good content or not.
It’s also that if you get your content into that TikTok space, where it shows the best content of all, it will help you get more views of your content, likes, comments and of course, you can get more followers.
Once you understand the TikTok algorithm, your content will appear in the For You Page more often.
4) Write down your ideas
As content creators sometimes you think that all ideas are bad, and it’s not true, every idea that comes to your head I recommend you to write it down and not to say before “Nobody will like it”.
Here are some tips to make a brainstorming for your content ideas and also to make irresistible content for your audience.
5) Repeat what works in others
As I told you before, the content reflected on TikTok’s main page called For You Page, which in other social networks is known as “Timeline” you can take different ideas about the videos that are in trend and use them as inspiration to make your own.
I invite you to recreate your favorite videos!
6) Create original content
If I know that I told you about repeating what works in others, but don’t limit your creativity either, I know that you have a lot and that you can be original by creating new videos with new music, new challenges, new voices and that they will go viral.
I invite you to create something new, fresh that will help you attract more followers.
7) Discover new trends
It’s also true that when we talk about trends, that original content we make can wait a few days to come out. That you’ve done something great but it’s not the time to share it because the eyes of the world are on a specific subject.
It usually happens, but I always recommend my followers and students to go with that and reprogram the content they had planned to share. Because the good thing about making and sharing content in trend is that they will be able to position themselves much easier in TikTok and of course get more views and interaction.
8) Be consistent with your videos
Just as on any social network, be it Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, so does TikTok require consistency in order to see instant results.
It would be a mistake to make a video, post it, make it a success and then post it a week later.
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